Horizon Zero Dawn
Played on: PC
Overall Rating: 🌝 🌝 🌝 🌝 🌚
Style: 🌝 🌝 🌝 🌝 🌚
Story: 🌝 🌝 🌝 🌝 🌝
Rating: 🌝 🌝 🌗 🌚 🌚
Aaah the story of this game is amazing! It's one of those concepts that we all think about in terms of what will become of humanity in the future, and whether we'll be instrumental in our own downfall. The game design is also stunning, and I love how despite the open world nature of the game, the environments all have their own, clear-cut look to them, whilst still looking beliveable. I also really appreciated the 'story' difficulty level, cause personally I found the combat very challenging, and that was taking away from my experience until I switched :)
I did find the rappelling and wayfinding tricky at times: for the most part, the climbable elements were highlighted in yellow, making them distinct from the rest of the environment, but sometimes they were really hard to spot (particularly the climbable ridges in cliff faces). The wayfinder, particularly in more closed-in environments, would sometimes be quite unhelpful in terms of understanding where to actually go. Finally, I'm a very sentimental person, and especially considering the designs of most of the machines, I really didn't like killing them! This is another reason why 'story' mode was so good; for the most part, unless it was necessary for a quest, I could avoid killing machines unless they were specifically coming for me!